Saturday, January 30, 2021

Over-engineering - design for a smarter world

On many occasions I became irritated as the user of a product when noticing that the product was designed to be smarter than me. - Just have a look at many software products we are using in daily life, or at user interfaces from coffee machines, or at text completion on a smartphone, ...

Now, these days I bumped into this funny video about testing the sophisticated design of a children's play. I feel so sorry for the designer. It must be so painful for her (yes, it's an actor, but having been in the role of designers, testers, and end users, I have seen this situation many times).

It's funny to watch this scene, but imagine the scene while designing the play!

The designer get's all these fancy, and sophisticated requirements and use cases from some innovator, a product manager, or just from potential customers of the product. The tell him thousands of things what feature the product needs to exhibit.

In development, engineers think about these requirements about features and ask themselves, what problem the end user is going to solve with the solution. - Confusion arrises.

Often - I have seen this so many times - a dialog between designers and product managers evolves.

- Engineer: "what do you want to achieve with these elements of different form and shape"

- Product marketeer: "don't ask questions, just implement it - that's what you are paid for. Otherwise I can not sell that product."

- Engineer: "but it does not make sense - can we talk to some end customers"

- Product manager: "just do it! You are jeopardising my bonus payments!"

- ...

And so on, until the engineer does what he is asked for at the level of features. That's what he is paid for.

The result: yes, we know it!

- End user: "what the f... these stupid designers and engineers, have they ever been talking to a potential user?"

The moral of the story - you do know all of these books about user centric design, about lean business build up, about most uncertain assumption testing, ...!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Heinz Ketchup - Usability of bottled tomato

Since 1869 Heinz is selling sauces in a bottle. - The legendary Heinz Ketchup has been introduced in 1876. The red tomato sauce in that characteristic glass bottle.

That bottle we all know very well and made our experiences with. A bottle which allows dosing of that delicious tomato sauce either in too low, or far too high volumes. - How about you? - I never get it right!

You still can buy Tomato Ketchup in that traditional glass bottle. - Why? - Who knows? - Usability, end user comfort, or great customer experience is not the reason. That's for sure!

In the meantime you can get it in flexible plastic bottles as well. Bottles which allow storage in the fridge, and more or less control over dosing.

Get a bottle here!

Hence Heinz - or Kraft Foods - is fully aware of the limitations of that fluidic sauce with variable viscosity. The effect is called thixotropy. And the combination of this red sauce called Ketchup and the famous Heinz glass bottle is leading to an extreme of such effect.

Interestingly this did not make the traditional non user friendly bottle to become extinct. 

Only Yesterday, I was invited for diner. We made hamburgers, and suddenly one of these traditional Heinz glass bottles showed up on the table. No skill on earth would help to control that red fluid to flow nicely out of that bottle. There is only the way of causing a big mess, or sticking your knife into the bottle in order to get some of the delicious sauce out. - No question, we survived. Everybody left the table well fed, and the mess on plates and table was not too big at the end.

But still, why did that bottle survive? - I just don't get it!

You could argue now that usability is subordinate and totally unimportant when it comes to usability. Is Heinz Tomato Ketchup in the traditional bottle another example - next to the German ERP software company SAP - that usability is totally unimportant in order to become global market leader? - Could well be!

Or is it just that the average Tomato Ketchup consumer is just not susceptible to usability questions and does not give respective feedback to the manufacturer?

Or, is a nostalgic bottle with horrible usability outweighing user experience? - Questions remain!